On 27 October 2015, We had a mid-term test about 1 hour. Then my teacher asked us about homework. We didn't finish the homework because I can't understand the story in each letter. My teacher is very angry, but she told us had done homework 15 minutes. After that, she told us had made groups and each group had 5 people. we discussed answered in our worksheet. After that, the one in other group write the best of answered on the whiteboard.
On handout has 4 letters to Ann Landers.
The first letter is about she worry about her worker
The second letter is about his wife has got cancer and everybody say to her " get well soon" He didn't want to hear that because his wife will not get well.
The third letter is about a new wife of her ex-husband is constantly overstepping her bounds with her children.
The fourth letter is about she annoy her friends and relatived.