Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A Discourse Approach in Reading : Learning Reflection

Learning Reflection
This course has 10 contents




Comparison and contrast

Cause and Effect




Problem and Solution

What is content it's easy for you?
I think "procedure"  is very easy because I usually search for new recipes on the internet. It makes me understand. Sometimes I used a dictionary online on my smartphone for finding the meaning of the technical terms that I didn't know.

What is content it's hard for you?
I think "Problem and Solution" because I'm confused between "Cause and Effect" and "Problem and Solution"

How did you solve the problem?
I must practice, read a lot and pay more attention in class. After class, I must preview and prepare the next lesson.

What are you attitudes toward to the lesson?

In my opinion, I think this course is very important for students because this course can help everyone, who wants to read, to improves they reading skill and perhaps they may get writing and speaking skills as well.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

A Discourse Approach in Reading :Problem and Solution (CONTINUED)

On 4 April 2016
Today my teacher told us about the score that we took the test from last week.
Then, she gave correcttives feedback. I learnt about writing the title, main idea, and  problem and solution graphic organizer of the story.

I think writing the titleand mian idea of the story is very difficult. but, I'll practice more.
This course makes me improve my reading skill so much.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

A Discourse Approach in Reading :Problem and Solution

On 28 March 2016
Today I had a test for 1 hour. After that, I learnt about Problem and Solution.
The problem and solution text may seem like it would be easy to recognize, but it can be moderatelydifficult to identify because it is frequently confused with the cause and effect pattern of organization, as they both have relational structures; however, if you read the passage and look specifically  for both a problem and a solution to the problem, you should find it pretty easy to distinguish from cause and effect, as cause and effect passengers do not propose solutions to any negative occurrences within the passage but rather just explain why or how they happen.
Then, I learned about problem and solution markers.
My teacher assigned us to do skill practice about circle problem markers and highlight the solution markers.

Before times up my teacher assign us to do next exercise and she will give correctives feedback next Monday.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

A Discourse Approach in Reading : Exemplification

On 21 March 2016
Today my teacher gave correctives feedback about the last exercises.
text 1
What is Anthropology?

Text 2
Whales are divided into toothed and baleen categories.

Then my teacher started to teach about Exemplification , abbreviations and transitions in exemplification text.

After that she assigned us  to do exercise 1 ,2 and 3 that are about College Students' Pressures, Fun things to do in Great Falls and Many hazards in the home that jeopardize a child's safety.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

A Discourse Approach in Reading : Definition and Classification

On 14 March 2016
Today I learnt about Definition and Classification.
First of all, I learnt about definition and classification markers.
These strategies help me categorize and understand texts that contain technical terms, definition, and classification.
Definition markers help  me identify both technical terms and their meanings.
Classification markers help  me identify both the general concepts and its types.
Then she assigned us to do the exercise for practicing skills.
Skill Practice 1 about circle definition markers and highlight the technical terms and underline the definitions. 

Skill Practice 2 about the classification diagram.

While I was doing the exercises,there was a power cut. we can’t concentrate to study because the weather and environment in the class is bad. Therefore, my teacher assigned us to do next exercise and took a break for lunch time.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

A Discourse Approach in Reading : Cause and Effect (CONTINUED)

On 7 March 2016
Today I learnt about the effects of stress.
Stress means pressure or tension. It is one of the most common cause of health problems in modern life. Too much stress result in physical, emotion, and mental health problems.

I think this text is easy to understand although this text has a lot of the technical terms but I can guess the meaning of the technical terms from context.

A Discourse Approach in Reading : Cause and Effect

On  6  March 2016
Today I learnt about "Cause and Effect" is used to show how the facts or concepts result due to other facts, events or concepts.
My teacher  assigned us to write about causes of global warming and effects of global warming on the board.

Then she taught about cause and effect markers

Then she assigned us to do the exercise for practicing skills. 
Skill Practice 1 about circle cause markers and highlight effect markers

Skill Practice 2 about the cause and effect diagram. 

Before times up my teacher assign us to do next exercise that is about The Effect of Stress and she will give correctives feedback tomorrow.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

A Discourse Approach in Reading : Comparison and Contrast (CONTINUED)

On 29 February 2016

My teacher gave correctives feedback about Men and Woman: Do They Speak the Same Language? This article is about the language of men and woman that from "You Just Don't Understand" by Deborah Tennen's  recent book

Deborah Tennen

You Just Don't Understand

This book discusses the many difficulties men and woman have in communicating with each other. Ms. Tennen believes that men and women have problems in conversing with each other because they are raised to see the world in different ways. Because men and women have such different life experiences, they don't speak the same language. Just people from different culture, men and women have problems with "cross-cultural communication."

A Discourse Approach in Reading : Comparison and Contrast

On 28 February 2016
In the afternoon, we learnt about markers to point out comparison and contrast.
These markers show comparison or similarities.
1. Both: two people or things together:
2. Same: exactly like another or each other:
3. Similar: looking or being almost, but not exactly, the same
4. To resemble: to look like or be like someone or something
5. Similarity: the fact that people or things look or are the same
6. In common: in the same way as someone or something
7. Identical: exactly the same, or very similar
8. Similarly: looking or being almost, but not exactly, the same
9. Comparable: similar in size, amount, or quality to something else
10. Likewise: in the same way
11. Common: the same in a lot of places or for a lot of people
12. Like: similar to; in the same way or manner as
13. Equivalent: having the same amount, value, purpose, qualities, etc
14. Parallel: something very similar to something else, or a similarity between two things

These markers show contrast or differences.

1. To differ: to be not like something or someone else, either physically or in another way
2. To distinguish: to notice or understand the difference between two things, or to make one person or thing seem different from another
3. To contrast: an obvious  difference between two or more things
4. To oppose: to disagree with something or someone, often by speaking or fighting against it, him, or her
5. Difference: the way in which two or more things which you are comparing are not the same
6. While: during the time that, or at the same time as
7. Whereas: compared with the fact that; but:
8. In contrast: to compare two people or things in order to show the differences between them:
9. Unlike: different from
10. Conversely: from a different and opposite way of looking at this
11. Rather than: instead of; used especially when you prefer one thing to another
12. However: despite whatever amount or degree
13. On the other hand: in a way that is different from the first thing you mentioned
14. Although: despite the fact that
15. Nevertheless, instead (of): despite what has just been said or referred to
16. Notwithstanding: despite the fact or thing mentioned
17. As opposed to: completely different

Then, we did the excercise1 and 2
Excercise1 is about subway systems of New york/Paris

New york


Excercise1 is about hurricane Andrew and hurricane Katrina.

Hurricane Andrew

Hurricane Katrina

Before times up my teacher assign us to do next exercise that is about Men and Woman: Do They Speak the Same Language?

A Discourse Approach in Reading : Procedure

On 28 February 2016
Today is Sunday. I had a class to study with my teacher all day. In the morning we learnt about “Procedure” and in the afternoon, we learnt about “Comparison and Contrast”.
First of all, we learnt about the purpose of a procedure is to tell the reader how to do or make something that these texts are usually written in the present tense.
Text organisation
-goal = main heading and /or diagram.
-materials = listed in order of use.
-method = step oriented towards achieving the goal.
and then we learnt about how to make a banana shake, banana cake, Omelette (Jamie Oliver), and chicken soup.
banana shake

banana cake

Omelette (jamieoliver)

 chicken soup

then we learnt about how to use a toaster and answers the question.

Before time is up, She  began to teach about “Comparison and Contrast”. Then she told us to draw pictures of Apple and Orange. Then we had to compare what is similarities and differences both of them as well

Thursday, February 11, 2016

A Discourse Approach in Reading :Descriptive (CONTINUED)

On 8 February 2016

My teacher gave correctives feedback about Budapest, Prague, and describe people


She assigned us to make groups of 5 persons and write a paragraph for describing a person, place, or animals that we want to write. We describe person because we thought it easier that other. We decided to describe “Cara Delevingne” because she is outstanding personality.